Learn How the Solutions Factory Works
There are six key steps in our Solutions Development practice. After these steps have been completed, the solution is added to our Solutions Catalog.
You’ve partnered closely with your clients, and discovered they have a gap they need to solve for. So how can you provide the solution? The Solution Factory is a comprehensive solution readiness methodology that starts at the concept level, defining a solution with specific vendor technology. The solution then goes through a reference architecture, rigorous testing, specific functional requirements, and finally customer-centric use case and repeatability identification. Only when a solution has been fully vetted can it be included in the Tech Data Solution Catalog.
Tech Data has emerged to be THE Solution Aggregator of outcome-driven innovation by making complex ecosystems and routes to market simple for our channel partners. Our value is to be a single source of end-to-end solution components and offer flexible choice as well as scalability for vendors, solution integrators and partners to effectively go to market.
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